Of the true devil/ Despre adevaratul diavol

So many times have I sat with my Father in the Garden of Eden that the return has rendered Earth not more than hell.

I find myself scared of rejection. I find my mind rejecting the surreal of Heaven. My soul kneels for the abomination that mankind has become. I do not love you people! I wish to save you only to save my soul. But, lo and behold, I cannot!

There will come a day when your blindness shall render you dumb before the true devil, and you shall name him ignorance, and you shall name him indolence, and under no circumstances shall you ever again call him "light".

The path is not long to those days, as you taint all saviors with your filthy words and thoughts.

There will come a day, and I may only hope I shall be long gone, be it by your dirty hands or by my Father's will.

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De atatea ori i-am stat alaturi Tatalui in Gradina Edenului incat intoarcerea mi-a transformat Pamantul in iad.

Mi-e frica de respingere. Gasesc ca mintea-mi respinge suprarealul Raiului. Sufletu-mi ingenucheaza in fata abominatiei care a devenit omenirea. Nu va iubesc, oamenilor! Va vreau salvati doar pentru a-mi salva sufletul. Dar, iata!, nu pot.

Va veni o zi in care orbirea voastra va va lasa muti in fata adevaratului diavol, si il veti numi ignoranta, si il veti numi indolenta, si sub nicio forma nu-l veti mai numi "lumina" vreodata!

Poteca inspre acele zile nu e lunga dupa cum va patati toti mantuitorii cu cuvinte si ganduri mizerabile.

Va veni o zi, si pot doar spera ca ma voi fi dus demult, fie din voia mainilor voastre murdare, fie din voia Tatalui meu.

Autor : Ruxandra Duca

Of the true devil/ Despre adevaratul diavol Publicat de Ruxandra Duca la data de Tuesday 17 December 20130 Of the true devil/ Despre adevaratul diavol


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